Antique Campaign Bed, French 19th Century, Cast Iron Child's Folding Bed 140x65x90 Centimetres
French campaign iron beds were portable and used originally, by the French during their on going military campaigns. Up until these collapsible beds were invented, the officers had to sleep on the ground in bed rolls just as the enlisted men did. The soldiers never had the luxury of a bed that elevated them “off” the ground, away from drafts and out of reach from rodents etc. It’s not known whether complaints from officers originally led to beds being carted along on these campaigns or if the practicality of the “campaign” style beds just made it more convenient.
Well, it was 'portable' if you had a cart to transport it as it weighs just under 30 kilos!!
Beautifully made and still in perfect working order this folding campaign bed was made for a child which is evident from its size and also that it has a slot in the centre at the back to accept a parasol. Over the 150 years or so since it was made it has picked up a few minor knocks but is in exceptional condition for its age.
Today we would baulk at the idea of taking our wives and children on campaigns but French officers in the 18th and 19th centuries had different ideas on what constituted 'normal'.
French campaign iron beds were portable and used originally, by the French during their on going military campaigns. Up until these collapsible beds were invented, the officers had to sleep on the ground in bed rolls just as the enlisted men did. The soldiers never had the luxury of a bed that elevated them “off” the ground, away from drafts and out of reach from rodents etc. It’s not known whether complaints from officers originally led to beds being carted along on these campaigns or if the practicality of the “campaign” style beds just made it more convenient.
Well, it was 'portable' if you had a cart to transport it as it weighs just under 30 kilos!!
Beautifully made and still in perfect working order this folding campaign bed was made for a child which is evident from its size and also that it has a slot in the centre at the back to accept a parasol. Over the 150 years or so since it was made it has picked up a few minor knocks but is in exceptional condition for its age.
Today we would baulk at the idea of taking our wives and children on campaigns but French officers in the 18th and 19th centuries had different ideas on what constituted 'normal'.